Hardware System Repair
- Laptop is on but no display, laptop makes noise
- Hard Drive (makes nosie, blue screen, missing system files)
- Power boards (won’t boot, no sign of power)
- LCDs (for dim or flickering screens, broken, blank screen)
- Power Jack (needed to be moved around to make it work)
- Troubleshooting hardware and software problems
FREE Diagnostic by Certified Technician
* Computer maintenance, disk clean up, disk defragmentation
* Install Window XP/Vista/7/8/10,Apple OS
* Data recovery
* Data backup - create restore point
* Computer upgrades - upgrade memory or hard drive
* Software installation - windows or business software
* Antivirus installation and live update
* Virus removal - remove the trojan horse and other viruses
* Spyware removal, clean up cookies, delete temp files
* Tranfer data, document files, mp3 music, picture